Archive for the ‘詩集選’ Category


深不可測的海!它的波浪就是流年;Unfathomable Sea! whose waves are years,
時間之洋,它那愁苦無底的水,Ocean of Time, whose waters of deep woe
是人類眼淚中的鹽分所漬鹹!Are brackish with the salt of human tears!
妳無邊無際的波瀾,隨著潮漲潮退,Thou shoreless flood, which in thy ebb and flow
緊緊抓住了人生的極限,Claspest the limits of mortality,
倦於捕食,仍咆哮著不知饜足,And sick of prey, yet howling on for more,
把破碎的船隻嘔吐到無情的岸邊。Vomitest thy wrecks on its inhospitable shore;
平靜時詭譎,風暴起時恐怖,Treacherous in calm, and terrible in storm,
誰敢在妳身上駛航,Who shall put forth on thee,
妳,深不可測的時間之海?Unfathomable Sea?

〈愛的哲學〉(Love’s Philosophy)

涓涓清泉投入江河,The fountains mingle with the river
源源江河奔流入海;And the rivers with the ocean,
天上的清風也耳鬢廝磨,The winds of Heaven mix for ever
那情意多深長;With a sweet emotion;
世上的一切都不孤單,Nothing in the world is single,
那是如此的天經地義,All things by a law divine
萬物都融合為一,In one spirit meet and mingle –
為何你我獨不然?Why not I with thine?

你看那山峰吻著蒼穹,See the mountains kiss high Heaven
波濤互相偎依,And the waves clasp one another;
花朵兒也如姊妹弟兄;No sister-flower would be forgiven

姊姊不會厭棄弟弟;If it disdained its brother;
陽光摟抱著大地,And the sunlight clasps the earth,
月光輕吻著海波,And the moonbeams kiss the sea –

如果你不吻我,What are all these kissings worth
這般柔情有何意義?If thou kiss not me?

欣賞:雪萊(Percy Bysshe Shelley,1792~1822)詩第一首〈時間〉,把時間比喻成海洋。時間猶如海洋般深不可測,人在時間的大海裡有如蘇軾所說滄海之一粟這般渺小,任何人想在時間之海拼命駛航,恐怕都會遭致無情沖毀的命運。雪萊不到三十歲就撒手歸西,這首詩是他辭世前一年(1821年)的作品,或許他正意識到時間之海已漸漸要將他吞噬了,因此有感而發寫下這首詩。第二首〈愛的哲學〉(Love’s Philosophy)則寫出大自然萬物的親密物語。像是清泉投入江河、清風在萬物身上耳鬢廝磨、山峰吻著蒼穹、波濤互相偎依、陽光摟抱著大地、月光輕吻著海波—–等等,這麼自然親密的接觸,其實就是最單純的自然之愛,任何人都可以享受,也可以盡情擁抱。這是大自然賜給我們最為珍貴的禮物,別忘了下次看到一株小草、一朵野花時,蹲下身子,輕輕送上你真情的撫摸、摯情的一吻。


西風歌(Ode to the West Wind)

如果我是任妳吹的一片落葉;If I were a dead leaf thou mightest bear;
如果我是隨妳飛翔的雲彩;If I were a swift cloud to fly with thee;
如果是波浪,在妳威力下急湍,A wave to pant beneath thy power, and share
享受妳神力的推動,自由自在,The impulse of thy strength, only less free

幾乎與妳一樣,啊,妳難制的力!Than thou, O uncontrollable! If even
再不然,如果能回返童年時代,I were as in my boyhood, and could be
常陪伴著妳在天空任意飄飛,The comrade of thy wanderings over heaven,
以為要比妳更神速也非幻想;As then, when to outstrip the skiey speed
那我就不致處此窘迫的境地,Scarce seemed a vision, I would ne’er have striven
向妳苦苦求告:啊!快使我高揚,As thus with thee in prayer in my sore need.
像一片樹葉、一朵雲、一陣浪濤!O, lift me as a wave, a leaf, a cloud!

把我當作妳的琴,當作那樹叢,Make me thy lyre, even as the forest is:
縱使我的葉子凋落又何妨!What if my leaves are falling like its own!
妳怒吼咆哮的雄渾交響樂中,The tumult of thy mighty harmonies
將有樹木和我的深沉歌唱,Will take from both a deep autumnal tone,
我們將唱出秋聲,婉轉而憂愁。Sweet though in sadness. Be thou, Spirit fierce,
精靈啊!讓我變成妳,猛烈、剛強!My spirit! be thou me, impetuous one!
把我死寂的思想驅散在宇宙,Drive my dead thoughts over the universe
像一片片的枯葉,以鼓舞新生;Like withered leaves, to quicken a new birth;
請聽從我這個詩篇中的符咒,And, by the incantation of this verse,
把我的話傳播給全世界的人,Scatter, as from an unextinguished hearth
猶如從不滅的爐中吹出火花!Ashes and sparks, my words among mankind!
請向未醒的大地,借我的嘴唇,Be through my lips to unawakened earth
像號角般吹出一聲聲預言吧!The trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind,
如果冬天來了,春天還會遠嗎?If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?


欣賞:雪萊(Percy Bysshe Shelley,1792~1822)這首西風歌看起來似乎有些哀怨而憂愁,但實際上對生命仍然保有無限的希望。作者一方面歌誦西風自由奔放的氣息,同時也冀求自己能跟隨著西風飛舞,哪怕是一片樹葉、一朵雲,或一陣浪濤。另一方面沉沉的秋天帶來陣陣悲涼,西風唱出秋聲婉轉而憂愁的曲調,似乎告訴人們嚴冬即將而來的訊息。然而生命並不是從此死寂,因為作者生命的火花依然不滅,因此也讓我們欣賞到最後一句經典詩句:「如果冬天來了,春天還會遠嗎?If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? 」原來雪萊在歌誦西風中看到生命悲苦的一面,但最重要的是他堅信生命的春天一定會來到。讀完他這首詩,會讓人有股強烈的意志力,即使在絕望之中,依舊能夠重新找到生命的曙光。

雪萊詩選 雲雀曲(Ode To A Skylark)

Posted: 2008 年 09 月 18 日 in 詩集選


雲雀曲(Ode To A Skylark)
你嘹亮的歌喉 All the earth and air
響徹普天之下,With thy voice is loud,
像從一朵孤雲後邊,As, when night is bare,
月兒把清輝流灑 From one lonely cloud

The moon rains out her beams, and Heaven is overflowed. 

我們不知道你是誰,What thou art we know not;
什麼能與你媲美?What is most like thee?
那繽紛的虹霓裡 From rainbow clouds there flow not
落下的晶瑩水珠 Drops so bright to see
As from thy presence showers a rain of melody. 

像一位詩人,Like a Poet hidden
在智慧的光芒中,In the light of thought
大膽放歌嘯吟,Singing hymns unbidden,

世人都被感動,Till the world is wrought
To sympathy with hopes and fears it heeded not.

像一位名門閨秀,Like a high-born maiden
索居深宮,In a palace-tower,
在夜闌人靜的時候,Soothing her love-laden
為了減輕愛的悲痛,Soul in secret hour

With music sweet as love, which overflows her bower.

像一隻金黃的流螢,Like a glow-worm golden
盤桓在露水的幽谷,In a dell of dew,
無形地散發柔輝,Scattering unbeholden
那縹緲的顏色 Its aereal hue
Among the flowers and grass, which screen it from the view!

像一朵玫瑰 Like a rose embowered
盛開在綠葉的枝頭,In its own green leaves,
它芬芳的香味 By warm winds deflowered,
但偷兒卻被濃郁的芳香薰醉。Till the scent it gives
Makes faint with too much sweet those heavy-winged thieves.

潺潺的春雨,Sound of vernal showers
落在閃光的草葉上;On the twinkling grass,
雨水催醒花朵綻放—Rain-awakened flowers,
但你的音律,All that ever was
Joyous, and clear, and fresh, thy music doth surpass. 


賞析:雪萊(Percy Bysshe Shelley,1792~1822),英國四大浪漫詩人之一,他和濟慈(John Keats ;1795~1821)都是英年早逝的詩人,令人不得不有天妒英才之慨嘆。雪萊出生貴族卻充滿叛逆的精神,因此有「瘋子雪萊」的綽號。他的詩懷有大自然和抽象美的圓融態度,在抒情詩中也極力追求音韻和詩意的和諧與歡愉。當雪萊去世之後,他的妻子在其墓誌銘上刻著「眾心之心」(Cor Cordium),代表著對其詩作的讚頌。他對美和善的追求,欣賞其作品可以讓人感受益加深刻。這首節錄的〈雲雀曲〉(Ode To A Skylark)把雲雀美妙之聲做了四種不同的比喻,無論是詩人的放歌嘯吟、大家閨秀的幽婉琴音、流螢的閃爍明滅,還是玫瑰的濃郁芳香,其比喻之貼切,詩句之優美,讓人讀上百遍也不厭倦。尤其是這句「它芬芳的香味被溫暖的風竊走,但偷兒卻被濃郁的芳香薰醉。」詩人把風當成偷竊花香者,沒想到風卻沉醉在玫瑰的芳香下醺醺然也,如此活潑生動的筆法,更是創意與趣味十足。好詩歷久不衰,如同好茶回甘,自是別有一番韻味。

Flower-Gathering 花開堪折

Posted: 2008 年 05 月 29 日 in 詩集選

Flower-Gathering 花開堪折


I left you in the morning,
告別你 在拂曉黎明
And in the morning glow,
You walked away beside me
To make me sad to go.
Do you know me in the gloaming,
還認得我嗎 在這日暮黃昏
Gaunt and dusty gray with roaming?
蒼白憔悴 和那漫遊的風塵
Are you dumb because you know me not,
Or dumb because you know?

All for me And not a question
一任我胡想 你無動於衷
For the faded flowers gay
That could take me from beside you
For the ages of a day?
They are yours, and be the measure
這些花屬於你 請作為量尺
Of their worth for you to treasure,
The measure of the little while
That I’ve been long away.

If Recollecting Were Forgetting

Posted: 2008 年 05 月 29 日 in 詩集選


                             If Recollecting Were Forgetting

                                                   (美)艾米莉 荻更生 Emily Dickinson


如果记住就是忘却,             If recollecting were forgetting ,

那我不愿记住什么。             Then I remember not.

如果忘却就是记住,             And if forgetting , recollecting,

那么,我与忘却已没有距离。     How near I had forgot.


如果思念是一种愉悦,            And if to miss, were merry,

如果哀悼是一种欢乐,            And to  mourn ,were gay,

那么,手指该是多么愉快,        How very blite the fingers

因为今天它们已经把这些收集!    That gathered this, Today!

The Net 網

Posted: 2008 年 02 月 24 日 in 詩集選
I made you many and many a song,
Yet never one told all you are —
It was as though a net of words
Were flung to catch a star;

It was as though I curved my hand
And dipped sea-water eagerly,
Only to find it lost the blue
Dark splendor of the sea.

